


Surgical units thrive on precision. 即使是手术室过程中最轻微的中断也可能导致影响手术完整性的问题. 因此,外科团队的每个成员都需要以一种促进凝聚力的方式工作.

这些关键的团队成员之一是外科技术专家,通常被称为磨砂技术员. Their work connects to the entire 外科手术 process, including the preoperative and postoperative stages. 他们的职责有助于优化手术室的清洁度和手术团队的效率, two metrics that are vital to providing the best patient care possible. 

For those interested in earning a 医学技术学位 追求一个角色 外科手术技术, 重要的是要充分了解什么是磨砂技术,以及为什么它们在手术过程中起着如此重要的作用. 

Scrub Tech Responsibilities

外科技术专家被称为擦洗技术员,因为他们在手术室里做的工作, 门诊设施, or an ambulatory surgery center. 在手术中,他们经常充当外科医生的右手,给他们递上器械和其他用品. This is the part of the role often portrayed in medical dramas, but it only represents a fraction of their job duties. These duties can be separated into three categories: preoperative, 外科手术, 术后职责.


在手术之前, 磨砂技术 准备手术所需的所有工具,确保所有设备都是无菌的. 另外, 外科技术人员将进行质量控制检查以确保一切正常. Their preparation work also extends to the patient, 因为他们执行任务,如运送病人到手术室,剃须和消毒他们的切口.

清洁技术人员将帮助医生和其他手术团队成员在手术前“清洁”. 这个过程包括在他们穿上干净的病号服之前擦洗他们的手和手臂, 面具, and latex gloves — garments commonly known as 实习医生风云. These garments are easy to wear and clean and do not contain pockets, which helps minimize the presence of potential contaminants. 


当外科医生和第一外科助理在手术中被叫出来时,外科技术人员将无菌器械传递给他们. This is an extremely important part of the job, and 外科手术 拆弹专家 need to have all the proper instruments at their fingertips, 以及预测外科医生在手术过程中可能需要的任何其他工具或用品. These supplies are not only essential in performing the procedure, they can ultimately play an important role in saving a life.

In addition to this vital responsibility, 清洁技术人员也可以执行一些任务,如在手术期间保持器官稳定或准备机器人手术设备. 此外,他们可能需要处理用于实验室分析的各种标本.


After the 外科手术 procedure, 外科技术人员可能会在切口处敷上敷料和绷带以保持清洁. They can also help move the patient to a recovery room. Once the operating room is empty, 他们可以补充必要的物资,消毒手术设备和工具.

Another critical activity of 磨砂技术s before and after a surgery is 外科手术 counting. This process involves taking strict inventory of the instruments, 压缩, 海绵, and needles used during a procedure. 工序前必须清点,以确保工序所需的工具或材料都有. 它还必须在手术后进行,以确保所有东西都收集好,不会意外地留在病人体内, 这可能会对病人的术后健康造成可怕的后果.

Scrub Tech vs . Scrub Tech. 手术助理护士 

The terms “磨砂技术” and “外科手术技术” are interchangeable. The terms “磨砂技术” and “scrub nurse,” on the other hand, are not. This can be confusing at times, because these two roles have a few 重叠的职责. 例如, both can help prepare operating tools, ensure instrument sterilization, and help transport patients to recovery rooms after an operation.

这两个角色之间的主要区别在于术语的应用. “擦洗技术”是一个笼统的术语,用于描述负责该过程基本技术要素的外科技术人员. “磨砂护士”用于描述可以承担额外任务的特定类型的外科或手术室护士. 这些任务包括在手术期间给药和手术后监测生命体征.


Once an interested individual understands what a 磨砂技术 is, 对他们来说,探索成为一名磨砂技术员所需的典型步骤是很重要的. 


清洗技术的典型教育基准是完成一个 外科手术技术 associate degree 或者证书课程. 这些欧博app通常将课堂教学和临床实践相结合,以创造一个整体的学习环境. This program can be part of an institution’s larger stable of medical technologist programs.


Depending on their state of practice, 从外科技术人员课程毕业后,个人可能需要获得专业认证和执照. Regardless of their requirements, 获得认证外科技术专家(CST)或外科技术认证(TS-C)认证等证书可以提高有抱负的清洁技术人员在未来雇主中的就业机会, and some employers require certification. 


Because 磨砂技术 work in 外科手术 environments, 他们也可以磨练自己的手艺,以协助外科专业. Surgery specialization areas include colon and rectal surgery, 神经外科手术, 整形外科手术, 还有儿科手术.

Play a Key Role in the Surgical Process

A 磨砂技术 is an essential member of the 外科手术 team, helping to keep patients safe, facilitating the efficient flow of the 外科手术 process, and reducing the risk of errors. 磨砂技师从为任何手术过程提供凝聚力中获得工作满足感, 大或小, as well as helping a patient’s health improve.

Fortis’ medical technologist and technician 这些课程可以帮助你在医疗保健行业找到一个令人满意的职业生涯. 我们的 外科手术技术 associate degree program can help you gain the knowledge, 技能, 临床经验不仅需要能够履行与角色相关的职责还需要有信心地执行这些职责. 了解更多关于什么是磨砂技术,以及我们如何帮助您为这个有益的职业做好准备.

Choosing a Surgical Specialty Area as a 外科手术技术nologist
外科助理vs. 外科手术技术
外科手术技术: Job Description, Requirements, and Outlook

Brazilian Journal of 护理, 外科计数:标准化循证程序的设计、实施和维护
Indeed, “How to Become a 外科手术技术nician (With Helpful 常见问题)”
事实上,“清洁护士vs .护士. 外科手术技术: Career Differences”
National Center for Competency Testing, Tech in Surgery TS-C (NCCT)
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Surgical Assistants and Technologists
Verywell Health, “什么是磨砂技术?”