
4 Essential Commercial Truck Driver Skills for Your Resume


4 Essential Commercial Truck Driver Skills for Your Resume

从造船厂和农场运送货物到当地商店和杂货店时, few elements are more critical than commercial truck drivers. According to statistics gathered by the American Trucking Associations, 全国近73%的货运重量是由商用卡车运送的, 哪些是该国大多数人获得食物等关键物资的主要途径, 服装, 和医学.

成为一名商用卡车司机需要掌握几项重要技能, 从能够安全地在困难的地形上航行到知道如何维护车辆并与调度员沟通. 获得扎实的商用卡车司机技能不仅对高效和安全驾驶至关重要, it’s also key to obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL). 完成一个 commercial driver’s training program 可以帮助个人发展正确的卡车司机技能的简历和执照, which can prepare them for a successful career.

What Is a Commercial Truck Driver?

商用卡车司机 operate large vehicles, 一般过时, to move goods 和 equipment across long distances. Their cargo varies, depending on the 他们所在的行业, but common examples include the following:

  • 食品 
  • 建筑材料
  • 零售商品
  • 有害物质
  • 机器设备
  • 牲畜 

卡车司机的角色取决于他们在给定时间段内行驶的距离. 长途, 或长途运输的, truck drivers cover long distances 和 travel over state lines, 在短途, 或地区, drivers travel short distances of no more than a few hundred miles. 其他因素包括驾驶员必须执行的额外活动的数量, such as loading 和 maintenance, 和 the number of stops they make in a given workday.

While many commercial truck drivers work for companies, some own 和 operate their trucks independently as self-owned businesses.


商用卡车司机的主要职责是将货物安全运送到目的地, typically within a given amount of time, while following all laws involving the operation of large vehicles. 

司机必须保持一定的速度,并且只能在允许大型卡车通行的道路上行驶, 要求司机事先规划路线,以满足这些需求. 路线也会根据当前的驾驶条件和任何由于恶劣天气而可能绕行的路线来选择, 地形, 或者道路封闭. 路线可以由司机或司机的调度员决定,调度员作为管理者. 

Cargo can often shift during travel if it’s not secured properly, 如果货物在运输过程中倾倒或破裂,雇主可能会要求司机对损坏的货物负责. To ensure they’re not held accountable for damage outside their control, 司机通常会在运输前后检查货物,并在日志中说明任何问题. 类似的, if the vehicle or its trailer has any issues, 司机必须确保缺陷被发现并修复后才能返回旅行.

商用卡车司机, particularly long-haul drivers, 是否有严格的法律规定他们在任何情况下可以驾驶多长时间. 在一段时间的连续旅行后,他们必须休息一下,以确保他们得到休息,能够正常驾驶. 不遵守这些规则可能会导致雇主受到经济处罚. Therefore, drivers must maintain a log book of their hours 和 mileage.


商用卡车司机 are often on the road for multiple days, 和 their trucks may serve as their bedrooms. The distances drivers cover depend on their employer’s needs, 并且可以包含本地的, 区域, 或者国家航线. 一些你.S. 司机也可能越境进入加拿大或墨西哥,这取决于他们的路线和目的地.

全年交货, 和, while safety is a primary factor in choosing driving routes, trucks will often need to travel through difficult 地形, 比如在下雪或下雨的时候, 道路损毁严重, or on roads with limited mobility.

4 Commercial Truck Driver Skills

驾驶商用卡车需要技术知识,以避免延误或危险情况. 虽然司机通常有调度员可以咨询,但在某些地方,援助可能有限. 掌握关键的商业卡车司机技能来制作简历可以帮助司机向潜在雇主展示他们已经准备好处理出现的问题, 和 qualified to manage a variety of tasks independently.


1. 机械知识

Vehicle problems can cause delays or damage cargo, 和 can also be dangerous for the driver 和 others on the road. 司机不仅应该知道如何在问题发生的那一刻发现问题,还应该知道如何解决问题. Knowing how to replace a tire, 检查制动液, 并且进行一般维护可以帮助司机避免事故和延误.

2. 导航

Determining the best route requires strong navigational abilities. 而GPS设备可以提供帮助, 它们并不总是准确的, 和 using them can lead to delays if they provide the wrong directions. 了解如何导航路线并计算潜在的替代方案可以帮助司机按时送货.

3. 沟通

司机需要成为清晰的沟通者,以便能够与调度员保持联系,以了解新的发展, such as delays due to forced maintenance or inclement weather, 并描述他们在路上遇到的任何需要帮助的问题或问题. 没有调度基地的司机可以与其他司机或不隶属的调度中心保持沟通渠道,以便了解他们的行踪. 此外,让签约雇主了解延误情况对自营司机来说至关重要.

4. 安全驾驶

严格的规章制度有助于保证商用卡车司机和其他司机在路上的安全. 商用卡车司机需要了解并遵守这些规则,以减少碰撞或其他车辆损坏的机会.

Benefits of a Commercial Truck Driver Training 程序

Becoming a commercial truck driver requires earning a state CDL, 根据州的要求,哪一项证明司机已经通过了知识和驾驶考试. A commercial truck driver diploma欧博app可以帮助有抱负的商用卡车司机为考试的两个方面做好准备,为他们提供实践培训和课堂指导,告诉他们在路上会遇到什么. 这些经验可以帮助个人发展关键的卡车司机技能.

Chart Your Route to Your Future Career

为简历开发关键的商用卡车司机技能,并准备CDL考试, consider the benefits of Fortis’ Advanced Tractor Trailer Driving program. With courses covering the basic operation of commercial vehicles, 安全驾驶方法, 车辆保养, 这个程序可以帮助你在短短24周内发展你的关键商用卡车驾驶技能. Learn with instructors in guided simulated or h和s-on driving lessons, giving you the edge you need to master your CDL exam.

Discover the skills you can use to succeed at Fortis.


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American Trucking Associations, Economics 和 Industry Data
American Trucking Associations, Professional Truck Drivers
Indeed, “Learn 关于 Being a Truck Driver”
Indeed, “Truck Driving Skills: Definition 和 Examples”
Netradyne, “5 Reasons Why Truck Drivers Are Important to the Economy”
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Heavy 和 Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers